The Emperor's New School.
The Emperor's New School is an American animated television series created by Mark Dindal that aired on Disney Channel for two seasons between January 2006 and November 2008. Based on the 2000 film The Emperor's New Groove, the series centers on Kuzco, who must graduate from Kuzco Academy to become emperor of the Inca Empire, with the help of the villager Pacha and fellow student Malina. The series combines physical comedy with a self-aware tone. J. P. Manoux replaced David Spade as the voice actor for Kuzco. New School used traditional 2D animation to preserve elements of the film's distinctive art style. The high-school setting provided storylines based on the everyday challenges of adolescence. New School received mixed reviews from critics; several praised the voice acting of Eartha Kitt (pictured) but others found the characters unlikable. The series was also criticized for its minimal educational value and frequent displays of socially aggressive behavior.
Never Forget You (Mariah Carey song)
Never Forget You (Mariah Carey song) . "Never Forget You" is a song recorded by American singer Mariah Carey (pictured) for her t...
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